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The Importance of Heart Coherence™

The HeathMath Institute is an excellent resource for learning how to regulate and synchronize your mind, body and spirit. It's also a powerful way to help others and humanity as a whole. To explain what Heart Coherence is and how it can benefit us, I wanted to connect you right to the source:

Content from: HeathMath Institute, Dated 11/01/2023

What's Heart Coherence™

Heart Coherence is a state of cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, emotions and physical systems. This expands into personal, social and global coherence, and at HeartMath Institute we have the tools and technologies to learn coherence and its benefit, based on the rigors of over 30 years of scientific research.

Learning to activate qualities of the heart such as care, kindness and acceptance increases our Personal Coherence™. This results in less mental and emotional pressure, more effective choices and increased resilience. Because our personal coherence is communicated through our energetic field, it has an uplifting impact on others. The proven benefits of coherence also extend to our social and global communities. Social Coherence™ accesses a collective heart intelligence that helps lift group effectiveness, facilitating authentic communications and easier access to solutions for more harmonious outcomes. As individuals and groups practice increasing their heart coherence, it paves the way for a collective momentum that has the potential to transform and uplift consciousness on a global scale – Global Coherence™.

Heart Coherence with HeartMath Institute

Personal Coherence™

Growing Intuitive Wisdom

Coherence is a harmonious state where our hearts, minds and bodies are united in cooperation and flow. Personal coherence practices can help calm your nervous system, neutralize stress reactions, and discern better choices. One of the major causes of stress is a lack of coherence in our interactions. Learn more here:

Global Coherence™

Uniting people in heart-focused love and intention.

Participate in the Global Coherence Community, a science-based initiative where we can collectively create a more compassionate, cooperative and peaceful way of being. The Global Coherence research uses a multidisciplinary approach. It incorporates a wide variety of scientific data to gain new insights into the interconnectedness between humanity, plants and animals, and the sun and earth’s magnetic activity. Learn more here:

The Science of Coherence™

Why Does Coherence Matter?

One’s ability to self-regulate the quality of feeling and emotion of one’s moment-to-moment experience influences our physiology and the reciprocal interactions between physiological, cognitive, and emotional systems. Self-induced positive emotions is reflected in the pattern of one’s heart’s rhythm, which in turn increases the coherence in bodily processes. This shift in the heart rhythm plays an important role in facilitating higher cognitive functions, creating emotional flexibility, and facilitating social connectedness. Learn more here:

For more self-help talks, guided exercises and meditations check out these resources:

Dr. Traci Moreno on Insight Timer-

Free Spirit's YouTube Channel-

Spiritual Psychology Support Group Hosted by Dr Traci and Pasquale-

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